Monday, December 24, 2012

- human animal character - 

Famous text by Giorgio Agamben "The Open" begins with a curious analysis of an illustration found in a German bible from the second half of the 13th century. In the lower part of the picture you can see a depiction of the feast that will take place in the end of days. The guests of honor in this feast will be the righteous, which are depicted here with human bodies and animal heads. According to a Jewish tradition, the menu for this meal will consist of three legendary monsters depicted on the top of the page: the sea creature leviathan, the land creature behemoth, and the air creature ziz. 

Many researchers refer to this text; despite that, it is not easy to find original image described in the beginning. I am submitting this image below, as I find it to be of utmost importance for complete information about Agamben's theory.

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