Monday, June 4, 2012

- numerical codes as characters -

There is a list of most common HTTP codes and their meanings:

100 Continue 

200 OK 

300 Multiple Choices 
301 Moved Permanently 
302 Found 
304 Not Modified 

Client Error
400 Bad Request 
401 Unauthorized 
403 Forbidden 
404 Not Found 
410 Gone 

Server Error
500 Internal Server Error  
501 Not Implemented 
503 Service Unavailable 

According to Google’s search statistics, HTTP error 500 is more than twice as common as 404 errors:

Darko Fritz uses some of less common codes to produce metaphor of human or urban situations. Code 302 is a special case, an example of industry practice contradicting the standard HTTP/1.0 specification, which required the client to perform a temporary redirect (the original describing phrase was "Moved Temporarily"), now the meaning of code changed to - 302 Found. 

In their video "trinity rgb", milica lapcevic and vladimir sojat use numbers to present and quantify rgb signal. This is personification of color white: 


Khlebnikov's poem "Numbers" ["Chisla"] (1911) treats numbers not as digits or a system for counting but organic beings.

I see right through you, Numbers.
I see you dressed in animals, their skins,
coolly propped against uprooted oaks.
You offer us a gift: unity between the snaky movement
of the backbone of the universe and Libra dancing
overhead. You help us to see centuries in a flash
of laughing teeth. See my wisdom-wizened eyes
opening to recognize
what my I
will be
when its dividend is one.

Numbers move, numbers think, numbers dictate. From a semantic point of view, one could say that these numbers here lost their denotative meaning. 

ASCII art uses characters to produce image. If we want to create image of character in ASCII, what we got is character depicted with characters.

                                     character(s) in motion


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