Friday, June 3, 2011

- duels of characters in binary code: Moses vs. Aron -

In Schoenberg's opera Moses und Aron, which was put to the film by Jean-Marie Straub and Danielle Huillet, Moses represents idea, abstract word. Since people are unconvinced by Moses’s abstract words, Aron is here to give the people tangible proof in the form of miracles. However:

Images [would] lead and rule this folk
that you have freed,
and strange wishes [will be] their gods,
leading them back to the slavery
of godlessness and earthly pleasures.
You have betrayed God to the gods,
the idea to images,
this chosen folk to others,
the extraordinary to the commonplace... 

Moses accuses Aaron: "You...expose them to strange gods, to the calf and to the pillars of fire and cloud; for you do as the people do, because you feel and think as they do." In Schoenberg’s interpretation, this is why Aaron is bound to fail; it follows that when Aaron is set free, he falls down dead. Moses is left victorious to proclaim the ultimate goal: "Unity with God." 

The superstitious Schoenberg omitted the double “A” in Aaron so that the title would not contain 13 letters. This influenced a bit their duel in binary code:

01001101 01101111 01110011 01100101 01110011 
1 - 60% 
0 - 40% 
01000001 01110010 01101111 01101110 
1 - 53.1% 
0 - 46.9% 

01000001 01100001 01110010 01101111 01101110 
1 - 50% 
0 - 50% 

In any case, Moses is victorious character, he has more 1 than 0 and wins both Aron and Aaron in this relation. However, by changing his name to Aron, Schoenberg made him to be stronger competitor for more than 3%.

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