Sunday, April 10, 2011

- percentage of 1 and 0 in letters converted to binary code -

If we count zeroes and ones of all letters in ASCII converted to binary code (but only letters, no numbers and other characters) we will have this result:

only capital letters:
1 - 41.35%
0 - 58.65%

only non-capital letters:
1 - 53.85%
0 - 46.15%

capital and non-capital letters:
1 - 47.6%
0 - 52.4%

Overall there is more 0 characters in binary code for letters, which means that we will use more 0 for writing names. If we use only capital letters, this relation will be even more evident, but if we use only non-capital letters, we will use more 1 than 0. Using capital letter as the first letter in names will increase number of zeroes to certain extent which depend on number of characters in the name itself.

For today's example, let us compare Neo to Agent Smith in binary code:


01001110 01100101 01101111 

1 - 58.33%
0 - 41.66%

Agent Smith 

01000001 01100111 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01010011 01101101 01101001 01110100 01101000

1 - 46.59%
0 - 53.40%

Neo has more 1, Agent Smith more 0 characters.

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