Wednesday, March 16, 2011

- symbolism of vav character - 

1. Vav is a picture of Man

Since Vav represents the number six, it has long been associated as the number of man in the Jewish tradition:

- Man was created on the sixth day
- Man works for six days - the realm of the chol and the mundane
- There are six millennia before the coming of the Mashiach
- The "beast" is identified as the "number of a man" - 666 (Rev 13:18)

2. Vav as the Belly of the Torah

An oversized Vav marks the "center" of the entire Torah (Leviticus 11:42):

3. The Mystery of Vav

The first Vav in the Torah occurs in Genesis 1:1:

The placement of the Vav suggests two of its essential connective powers:

- By joining heaven and earth it implies the connection between spiritual and earthly matters.
- Since it occurs as the 22nd letter in the Torah attached to the sixth word, it alludes to the creative connection between all of the letters. Vav is therefore the connecting force of the God, the divine "hook" that binds together heaven and earth.

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