Wednesday, January 12, 2011

- character and crisis of action image -

"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it."
Karl Marx eleventh thesis on Feuerbach from 1845. which putts practice in front of the theory proves that Marx would have liked action films instead of films with long dialogues. This is the thought that scares me.
140 years later Deleuze says: “We hardly believe any longer that a global situation can give rise to an action which is capable of modifying it – no more than we believe that an action can force a situation to disclose itself, even partially”.
In his books about film "Cinéma I: L'image-mouvement (1983)" and "Cinéma II: L'image-temps (1985)", Gilles Deleuze concludes that: "We must think “beyond movement”..."think about The Time-Image".
Time image is, thus, definitely an idea that reflects the doubts about the possibilities of changing the world. Deleuze loved much more Antonioni's films than american or Hong Kong action movies. Ideology and philosophy can, therefore, depend, sometimes, on particular philosopher's or politician's taste in movies. 

11th thesis

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