Thursday, October 28, 2010

- Koran phrases appear on Russian baby’s skin -

A year ago, the words begin to appear on arms, legs and stomach of the nine month old Ali – before fading away and being replaced with new verses. Local MP Akhmedpasha Amiralaev said: ‘This boy is a pure sign of God. Allah sent him to Dagestan in order to stop revolts and tension in our republic.’  

The boy’s mother claims, ‘Normally those signs appear twice a week – on Mondays and on the nights between Thursdays and Fridays.’ Ali always feels bad when it is happening. He cries and his temperature goes up. It’s impossible to hold him when it’s happening, his body is actively moving, so we put him into his cradle. It’s so hard to watch him suffering. 
The local doctors deny that the marks are from someone writing on the child’s skin. Local imam Abdulla has told locals that the Koran forecasts that before the end of the world, there may be people with its sayings on their bodies. 

Regardlessly of our beleifs or scepticism, it is important to understand that the parrents are creating here a specific character out of their own child. It is some kind of monstruous being, with a sign on his body either of god (as Cain) if we beleive the story, or, if we don't, by someone else, a man or a woman or rabi Loew (as Golem). Every symbolic contextualization here is pure exploatation and abuse, and in political instrumentalization, as well as in religious the end always justifies the means.

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