Monday, July 4, 2011

- human character as a set of informations -

"If humans are information-processing machines, then they must have biological equipment enabling them to process binary code." (Warren McCulloch)

For McCulloch biological equipment are neurons. He believed that information moves through signals, and signals only exist if they are embodied. 

Thomas Eisner prefers metaphor of a book:

"As a consequence of recent advances in genetic engineering, [a biological species] must be viewed as ... a depository of genes that are potentially transferable. A species is not merely a hard-bound volume of the library of nature. It is also a loose-leaf book, whose individual pages, the genes, might be available for selective transfer and modification of other species." (Thomas Eisner)

The conclusions of research of two scientists are different as a result of the predominant cultural models. From mechanical, in second half of 20th century to data base in first half of 21st century. Half century that separate two scientists, produced the difference, but the similar is the importance of information in biological systems.